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More than a decade of systematic regional exploration efforts has resulted in a 100% owned portfolio of diversified projects including Ogoki, Kagiami and Band-Ore.


The Ogoki is drill-ready for kimberlite diamonds. 

The Band-Ore is hosted in the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt (“SGB”), part of the Wawa Subprovince.  The SGB displays a classic Archean greenstone belt sequence and subsequent deformation making it comparable to other notable greenstone belts host to the Hemlo, Timmins and Kirkland Lake gold camps.


The Kagiami Project is for base metals, mainly copper and nickel, key materials for clean energy development. The Kagiami is drill-ready with geophysical targets including VMS base metals, orogenic gold, and intrusion-hosted base metals/PGMs. 

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